Hand-crafted cocktails are featured at the restaurant at Andaz Napa - a Concept by Hyatt. Napa Valley Opera House is 5 minutes’ walk away. City views from a private terrace private parking and WiFi is included in all rooms. Black-out drapes are featured in all rooms at Andaz. Vessel sinks and a glass shower are featured in the en suite bathroom. Calming light grey walls plush white bedding and subtle coloured accents are offered. A separate seating area is featured in the studio. A relaxed social dining experiences is available onsite at Mercantile Social. In-room breakfast service is offered with all rooms. Concierge services are offered. A daily maid service is provided. Dry cleaning services are available. Napa Valley Wine Train is 10 minutes’ walk away. Domaine Carneros Winery is 10 minutes’ drive away. Francis Ford Coppola Winery is an hours’ drive away from Andaz Napa - A Concept by Hyatt.
Disclaimer: The image shown is for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual hotel room. The room layout, furniture, amenities, and view may vary depending on the availability and location of the hotel.
“Not only is this hotel an absolute gem to the Napa Valley it is right at the center of all of the entertainment in downtown Napa. It is chic, comfortable and has fantastic employees. The rooftop bar is the place to go on the weekend. Drinks are very tasty and the firepits add a nice vibe to the outdoors.”
— Samantha Santos
“Buena ubicación, comodia sabrosa, red inalábrica rapida”
— Robert Olson
Customers review
Overall Wonderful, 4.5
Value 4
Location 4.7
Cleanliness 4.7
Comfort 4.6
Neighborhood 4.7
Amenities 4.5
Condition 4.7
Quality 4.7
Recomendation 88.5%
Keith Boyea
Jan 19, 2022
Comfortable and welcoming hotel in the center of downtown Napa. Walkable to everything. Excellent place for a vacation stay.
Jan 15, 2022
O Covid destruiu este lugar, mas tivemos uma ótima governanta chamada Papai Noel! Nosso poder saiu à noite, mas gerente tentou masculino para isso, então não posso reclamar de um serviço de saída, mas é limitado e o café da manhã era horrível! Mas a localização é boa para pegar o trem do vinho ... embora na hora do ninho. eu não vou ficar aqui ... estamos aqui por 2 semanas.
Emily Bodenbender
Jan 15, 2022
Sinceramente tão decepcionado. Estávamos ansiosos para ficar aqui, mas o que experimentamos e recebemos definitivamente não vale US$ 600/noite. Você não pode tomar uma xícara de café antes das 7h, a menos que seja o Keurig no seu quarto. Eles não oferecem limpeza diária, a menos que você ligue e solicite. Eles cobram imediatamente uma “taxa de destino” na chegada. Tivemos 6 membros diferentes da equipe confirmando uma atualização de reserva para nós, mas ainda ficamos trancados fora do nosso próprio quarto na segunda noite. A porta do banheiro do quarto é uma porcaria e não fecha nem oferece privacidade. Já tive acomodações muito melhores em hotéis com preços muito menores. Acho que nunca voltaremos.
Emily Bodenbender
Jan 15, 2022
Honestly so disappointed. We were excited to stay here but what we experienced and received is definitely not worth $600/night. You’re unable to get a cup of coffee before 7am unless it’s the Keurig in your room. They don’t offer daily housekeeping unless you call and request it. They immediately charge you a “destination fee” upon arrival. We had 6 different staff members confirm a reservation update for us yet still got locked out of our own room the second night. The bathroom door in the room is junk and does not even shut or offer any privacy. I’ve had far better accommodations at hotels priced much less. I don’t think we’ll ever come back.
Jan 14, 2022
Covid destroyed this place but we had a great housekeeper named Santa! Our power went out at night but manager tried to male up for it so I can't complain a out service but at is limited a d the breakfast was awful! But location is good for catching the wine train...though nest time.i won't stay here...we're here for 2 weeks ..very expensive for what it's worth or not worth
Rosalie Regalado
Jan 08, 2022
Fomos à celebração do Ano Novo em Andaz. Ótima banda! Multidão divertida e animada. No entanto, embora demonstrasse cortesia para com os estabelecimentos próximos ao mover a festa do telhado para uma sala espaçosa no andar de baixo, Andaz não tinha um bar para a festa. Os hóspedes tinham que viajar para o bar principal lotado e esperar tanto que isso nos desencorajava de pedir bebidas. Eu tomei 2 bebidas a noite wole. Preços exorbitantes. Enquanto estávamos dançando, o gerente disse à banda para abaixar o volume para que eles pudessem ouvir os telefones. Isso atrapalhou nosso início de ano novo. Talvez no próximo ano o Andaz possa oferecer aos hóspedes seu próprio bar para que possamos ter uma festa de verdade
Rosalie Regalado
Jan 08, 2022
We went to the Andaz New years Eve celebration. Great band! Lively fun crowd. However, while showing courtesy to surrounding establishments by moving the party from rooftop to a spacious room downstairs, Andaz did not have a bar for the party. Guests had to travel out to crowded main bar and wait so long that it discouraged us from ordering drinks. I had 2 drinks the wole night. Outrageous prices. While we were dancing, the manager told the band to turn down the volume so they can hear the phones. That put a damper on our New year kick off. Maybe next year Andaz can provide guests with their own bar so we can have a real party
Samantha Santos
Dec 29, 2021
Not only is this hotel an absolute gem to the Napa Valley it is right at the center of all of the entertainment in downtown Napa. It is chic, comfortable and has fantastic employees. The rooftop bar is the place to go on the weekend. Drinks are very tasty and the firepits add a nice vibe to the outdoors.
Lilibeth Soliman
Dec 11, 2021
If you love art you have to visit this place. It has a beautiful painting especially the one of a woman so beautiful like it was photograph and enlarge. The artist was so talented. It has wine tasting also.
Natasha English
Nov 29, 2021
I booked the king loft for a birthday treat. I read the mixed reviews and still booked. Ok so it’s in an excellent location.. close to lots of shopping stores, restaurants and vineyards. I get to my room and noticed things were kinda short. I’m only 5’2 and the counter in the bathroom came to the middle of my thigh. Bathroom has a seat connected to the wall that flipped up and down. I called the front and asked if I was in a room for wheelchairs. She said hmmm.. let me check… nope I don’t have that room listed as that room type. I was running late for my vineyard appointment so I left it to deal with later. When I came back, I addressed it to the manager at the front and she said it happens sometimes and offered me a $50 hotel voucher. I walked off to my room, upset. I would’ve rather then call me and gave me the option to say if I wanted that room or not. This was my first visit to Napa Valley. The room was about $750/ night so yes it was a big deal for me. I was so furious that I checked out around 7am.They couldn’t swap my room because they were sold out. The manager the next day refunded me $214 but I later seen an extra charge on my bank statement for $110… If you stay here, I definitely wouldn’t do a suite. A regular room would suit. Not more $300 a night either. The managers were very nonchalant.
Luciana Andrade
Nov 16, 2021
Mário Barreira
Nov 16, 2021
Quarto grande, cama ótima, hotel muito bem decorado com excelente localização no centro de Napa.
Ryan Granchalek
Nov 09, 2021
Foi bom ... nada emocionante e definitivamente não valia $ 600 por noite. Seria vendido 4 estrelas por US $ 200 por noite. O manobrista está com falta de pessoal e eu não descreveria como animado para se envolver. Eu tive que encontrá-los duas vezes sem que eles viessem para o carro. Não fique na sala 401, pois o aquecedor soa como um motor a jato quando liga e me acorda de hora em hora. O terraço estava fechado, o que foi decepcionante. A localização é adorável. Esperei 15 minutos para pegar um bagel depois de pagar no café do lobby, acabei abandonando (depois de já ter pago) porque tinha que ir andando.
Ryan Granchalek
Nov 04, 2021
It was fine... nothing exciting and definitely not worth $600 a night. It would be a sold 4 stars at $200 a night. The valet are understaffed and I would not describe as excited to engage. I had to find them twice without them coming to the car. Do not stay in room 401 as the heater sounds like a jet engine when it turns on and woke me up hourly. The terrace was closed so that was disappointing. Location is lovely. Waited 15 minutes to get a bagel after paying for it in the lobby coffee bar, ended up abandoning it (after already paying) as I had to get going.
Dave Frievalt
Oct 19, 2021
Awsome breakfast Great music on 2nd floor. Excellent staff.
Tracy Cheon
Oct 16, 2021
Ficamos lá por uma noite. Eles cobraram 2 vezes mais do que a nossa estadia, era suposto ser $ 560, (que era cerca de $ 700 após impostos) e eles cobraram $ 600 extra quando chegamos ao hotel.Quando nos confrontamos, eles disseram que o pagamento não será realizado e cobraram mais uma vez após a partida, o que se tornou $ 1200 a mais em relação ao preço original, $ 700. Tivemos que voltar ao hotel para resolver o problema, demorou 5 dias para receber o dinheiro de volta. Eles não estavam facilmente disponíveis por meio de um telefonema para resolver esse problema.*** Certifique-se de verificar quanto eles cobram de você e o valor é exato, após a sua estadia ***
Dayami Laza
Oct 16, 2021
O lugar é incrível 👏. Camas super lisas 👌 Eu gosto. As pessoas na recepção não são as mais agradáveis, mas ok. Os 2 meninos do lado de fora outra coisa. Mas pelo preço tem ver lugares melhores. A única coisa é a localização.
Terry Michael
Oct 16, 2021
The hotel is located in a very nice area. That is the only reason it received 1 star from me. There is no service. They actually tell you during check in they probably won't clean your room or give you towels without asking. I was there 3 days. We had no remote for our TV. They gave us one after requesting one. The K-cup coffee maker didn't work most times. I was next to the housekeeping closet that was slammed at all times of the day including in the middle of the night. There is a $15 a night food and drink fee whether you it or not. I did complain to the front desk but it went on deaf ears. There are many choices in Napa and the surrounding area don't make the choice of this one. $650 a night deserves more then this. Rarely do I ever write a review or actually complain about subpar service but this one deserved a review
Tracy Cheon
Oct 10, 2021
We stayed there for one night. They charged 2 times more than our stay, it was supposed to be $560, (which was around $700 after tax) and they charged $600 extra when we arrived to the hotel.
When we confronted, they said the payment will not go through, and they charged once more after out departure, which became $1200 extra on top of the original price, $700. We had to return back to the hotel to resolve the issue, it took 5 days to get the money back. They were not easily available through the phone call regards to resolving this issue.
***Make sure to check on how much they charge you and the amount is accurate, after your stay***
Dayami Laza
Sep 18, 2021
Place is amazing 👏. Beds super smooth 👌 I like it. The people on the front desk are not the most nicer but ok. The 2 boys outside another thing. But for the price has see better places. The only thing is the location.
Giuseppe Saponieri
Sep 16, 2021
Localização ideal para caminhadas no vale de Napa. Serviço muito bom. As suites são muito acolhedoras e de excelente arquitectura de interiores. Sóbrio e amigável. Estacionamento praticamente na mesma estrutura. Não me lembro do nome da operadora da recepção. Ele era tão bom e me deu um upgrade para um quarto de categoria superior, por pura simpatia. Ótimo lugar. Eu estava procurando uma casa de campo no vale, mas se você não pagar mais de US $ 1200 por um quarto, não há absolutamente nada aceitável. Melhor ficar na bela cidade de Napa do que nesses lugares hipotéticos e característicos do vale. Confie em mim
Casey M
Aug 16, 2021
No geral, um hotel encantador, no entanto, o preço para "incidentes" era íngreme, considerando a falta de comodidades. É necessário solicitar o serviço de limpeza do quarto, uma vez que não visitou o quarto após a noite inicial da estadia. Algumas preocupações gerais de manutenção: a parede atrás da banheira estava descascando, o ferro no quarto não estava funcionando. Excelente localização, perto de excelentes lojas e restaurantes de Napa.
Casey M
Jul 22, 2021
Overall a lovely hotel, however the price for "incidentals" was steep considering the lack of amenities. One must need to request room cleaning services, as they didn't visit the room after the initial evening of stay. Some general maintenance concerns: wall behind tub was peeling from water, iron in room wasn't functioning. Great location, close to great Napa shopping and restaurants.
Janie Kennedy
Jul 16, 2021
Love theterrace bar area to chill out and have an appetizer/drink with friends. It's the perfect location. Such a relaxing and cozy setting. I'll def be back. It's my new favorite place!!!
Otavio Almeida
Nov 16, 2020
É lindo e confortável!
Angie Angel
Nov 16, 2020
Pasear por los hermosos lugaresme encanta
Paul Guerrero
Sep 07, 2020
Two horrible experiences and one bad one at this place. First time Valet somehow lost my gym bag from the trunk of my car! No one EVER had permission to go in there! Only time I ever saw management in person was when I reported this first situation and all she did was come out to assure me nothing had been lost there before 😂 that it was surely my mistake. They called for me to pick up my bag days later and was at the front desk but she never showed her face again. She never responded to my emails asking for an explanation. Second time (wasnt by choice that I went back) valet lost my brand new cars key fob!! My BMW was literally 2 days old when this happened. Third situation I was handed someone else's car and I drove off in it, didnt realize it till I was out of town. This I confirmed happening to 2 other people I personally know!! Partly my fault but come on! Every time management was nowhere and every thing was relayed through other staff including valets. NEVER got a proper apology from management with any of the 3 situations I experienced there. She avoids showing her face at all cost! I will never recomend this place until proper management has been implemented. If anyone needs any further details on any of my 3 experiences there feel free to contact me.
P.s. The twins who valet there have never been involved in any of my bad experiences and were great everytime I've been there.
Sandra Giraldo
Nov 16, 2019
Muy buena opción para hospedarse en la ciudad. Pueden ofrecer ofertas de último momento.. sería genial
Gabriel Agostini
Nov 16, 2019
Excelente. Muu buena atención. Ubicación muy bien.
José Luis Pérez
Nov 16, 2019
Excelente hotel ubicación inmejorable el personal muy bueno
Kathy Games
Nov 16, 2018
Un lugar bonito en la terraza del hotel para pasar una tarde agradable con los amigos o con tu pareja, la comida y bebidas son muy ricas y la atención es muy buena.
Nov 16, 2018
Un hotel de 10. Muy buenas instalaciones. Todo muy nuevo y de gran calidad. Todo el personal muy correcto
Robert Olson
Nov 16, 2018
Buena ubicación, comodia sabrosa, red inalábrica rapida
Bender Rules
Jan 29, 2018
Bonito hotel. Bien suave.
Nov 16, 2017
Fui a tomar una copa en el bar de la terraza, muy buen personal excelente ambiente
Napa fun with Andaz touch
We loved this property... great location with excellent customer service; rooms are beautiful...food was great.You can tell the employees at Andaz love their job. The lobby bar had live music on...
Fantastic boutique hotel in Napa
Excellent stat. Wonderful location in Napa. Fantastic location, friendly staff and delicious food. I would definitely stay here again. The room was gorgeous and I slept beautifully. The gym was...
Birthday getaway in Napa
My husband and I love the Andaz as we've had positive experiences from staying at this brand. We looked forward to the Napa location. Our expectations fell short. Their is no parking lot for the...
lovely, luxurious hotel, with so much right around it!
I wasn't sure what to expect, but the hotel truly impressed us... very elegant, lots of space, all the amenities were of high quality, and the breakfast (not complimentary) was excellent. The fact...
One of the best Hyatt Properties
Because of an extended work project, I had to live out of a hotel for the better part of 2021. As a result, I racked up a bunch of Hyatt points and received their Globalist status. I started using...
the tub in that junior suite thoâ¦
LOVED IT! had such a fun new yeArs! staff was so friendly and attentive.
booked on amex travel and the perks were great ! upgraded room to junior suite (try and get a corner unite with a view!) ; a...
great hotel in the city center
Great hip hotel in city center. Was very surprised at the hotel. Very cute decor. Staff was super helpful. Loved there was so much in walking distance to the hotel. Will definitely here on my...
Location is great but amenities are limited.
The Andaz is in a great location and has comfortable rooms, but I found it to be overpriced for the lack of fitness center and dining options on site.
I arrived late on a weeknight (after 8:30pm...
Great Property
We had an excellent stay at the Andaz Napa. The hotel has a great location and the staff were extremely friendly. The manager was kind enough to upgrade our room. I highly recommend it to anyone...